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Historical signals of the city of Lucera    (1)

(- first half of 1200)    


In XIII the century, Lucera tied its name to the House of Svevia, living, after that Roman, the more interesting period of its    millenary history. More resumptions, between 1224-25 and 1246-47, Federico II of Svevia transplant you from the Sicily a colony of approximately 60 One thousand    Saracens, most skillful soldiers and squires, with which its opponents marched victorious against all. To Lucera Federico II it enriches   l’agriculture, l’handicraft, the traffics it trades them and the military defense; Mint, a scientific Academy institutes’you one, one general Fair and    you raise Magnificent imperial Palatium. With becoming of the Lucera time completely Arabic’city assumes the  aspect of one, equipped of    camels, oasis of exotic animals, harem, minaret, and of one imposing mosque. Behind the insistences of the Church, that it promised    to the Angioini, accounts of Provence, the Reign of Naples in exchange of the hunting of infidels to Italy southern, Manfredi fallen in    the battle of Benevento (February 1266) and gained Corradino, its grandson and last descendant of the dynasty sveva, near Tagliacozzo    (August 1268) always stopped in order to Lucera the Frederic the Great period, so that the Muslim colony of the city, surrendered to Carl d’the Angiò    already in 1269, but to which the same monarch had allowed to continue to dwell in Lucera, it came definitively destroyed to leave from 14 August 1300, given of the liberation of the city and beginning of bloody the campaign of elimination of Saracens and the Arabic part    (Luceria Saracenorum) for hand the army Guelf guided from the master of the real Curia of Carl II d’Angiò, notary public Pipino of    Barletta.
note: 1)  Article drawn from  site