| | | |
|  | | 
| Scientist
students and technicians |
| |
| | |
| Franz
Aepinus | (
1724-1802 ) | |
| André
Marie Ampère | (
1775-1836 ) | |
| Dominique-François-Jean
Arago | (
1786-1853 ) | |
| Padre
Battista Beccaria | (
1716-1781 ) | |
| Robert
Boyle | (
1627-1691 ) | |
| John
Canton | (
1718-1772 ) | |
| Henry
Cavendish | (
) | |
| Charles
Augustin Coulomb | (
1736-1806 ) | |
| Sir
Humphry Davy | (
1778-1829 ) | |
| Du
Fay | (
1689-1739 ) | |
| Thomas
Alva Edison | (
1847-1931 ) | |
| Michael
Faraday | (
1791-1867 ) | |
| Galileo
Ferraris | (
1847-1897 ) | |
| Benjamin
Franklin | (
1706-1790 ) | |
| Luigi
Galvani | (
1737-1798 ) | |
| Lucien
Gaulard | (
1850-1888 ) | |
| Johann
Karl Friedrich Gauss | (
1777-1805 ) | |
| Williams
Gilbert | (
1544-1603 ) | |
| Zénobe
Théophile Gramme |
1826-1901 ) | |
| Stephen
Gray | (
1666-1736 ) | |
| Otto
von Guericke | (
1602-1686 ) | |
| René-Just
Haüy | (
1743-1822 ) | |
| Joseph
Henry | (
1797-1878 ) | |
| James
Prescott Joule | (
1818-1889 ) | |
| Gustav
Kirchhoff | (
1824-1877 ) | |
| Ewald
Jürgen von Kleist | (
1715-1759 ) | |
| Heinrich
Emil Lenz | (
1804-1865 ) | |
| James
Clerk Maxwell | (
1831-1879 ) | |
| Pieter
van Musschenbroek | (
1692-1761 ) | |
| Jean
Antoine Nollet | (
1700-1770 ) | |
| Edward
Lawry Norton | (
1898-1983 ) | |
| Jean
Christian Ørsted | (
1777-1851 ) | |
| Georg
Simon Ohm | (
1787-1854 ) | |
| Antonio
Pacinotti | (
1841-1912 ) | |
| Pietro
Peregrino of Maricourt | (
1200 ) |
| Hippolyte
Pixii | (
1808-1835 ) | |
| G.B.
della Porta | (
1535-1615 ) | |
| Werner
von Siemens | (
1816-1892 ) | |
| William
Sturgeon | (
1783-1850 ) | |
| Joseph
Wilson Swan | (
1828-1914 ) | |
| Nikola
Tesla | (
1856-1943 ) | |
| Léon
Charles Thévenin | (
1857-1926 ) | |
| Joseph
John Thomson | (
1856-1940 ) | |
| Alessandro
Volta | (
1745-1827 ) | |
| William
Watson | (
1715-1787 ) | |
| Wilhelm
Eduard Weber | (
1804-1891 ) | |
| Charles
Wheatstone | (
1802-1875 ) | |