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Law of Lenz
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Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz

Dorpat (Estonia-Russia) 12.February.1804 - Rome 10.February.1865 


Physicist, has studied the Peltier effect (thermo electricity) and determined the existing relation between variation of the electric resistance and variation of the temperature. In 1834 its name has uncovered the law (than door) on the electromagnetic induction, second which the back of the electromotive force induced in an electric circuit, to varying of the concatenate magnetic flux to the circuit, is always such from oppose to the flow generates that it.  

Demonstration  to cure of the Medium  School Be them of Calizzano (Savona Italy)
When in the coil it comes sent to current the ring, also being of aluminum, not magnetic material, comes up launch because the produced magnetic flux from the induced current is opposed to the inducing flow it has generated that it. This opposition is translate in an abrupt removal. The current induced in the ring is much fort because its resistance is much lowland.

If the ring comes introduced on the yoke when the current is already in circulation, the ring “floats” on the flow   magnetic.
The reason is the same one: the current induced in the ring opposes to the magnetic flux inducer, for holds this it in the position in which the induced currents they are smallest possible
Demonstration  to cure of the Medium  School Be them of Calizzano (Savona Italy)