Scientists index


Werner von Siemens


Lehrte (Hannover) 13.December.1816-Berlin 12.July.1892 
1850 Alternator industrial 

Doctor in philosophy.  He lend service from 1838 to the 1849 as official  artillery one in the Prussian army.   He was in the commission for the installation of the telegraphic service in Prussia.  I found together in the 1849 to G.Halske society Siemens & Halsake. It constructs in a 1855 telegraph. It perfects the submarine telegraphy and it constructs submarine cables in 1859. From the 1878 it is taken care of the first telephone applications and perfects a galvanometer for running small. The 18 June 1867 machine DYNAMO-ELECTRICAL introduces On the credit side Academy of Berlin. (fig. 1) Towards 1875 it creates of blots some autoeccitatrici. In 1879 it creates the first locomotive electrical worker, that it will perfect continuously until to 1892.

Fig. 1 Dynamo electrical  type
           Siemens & Halske 1872