| Born in a small city of the Croatia, from the
father Milutin and the Djuka mother. It begins its formation to the
gymnasium of Carlstadt
in Croatia. To seventeen years it is become ill of cholera, it exceeds
this crisis and it continues the studies to the Graz polytechnic in
Austria from 1875 to the 1878 (1) and area one in 1880 in
engineering to Praga. In the same year she is technical assistant to
Budapest and it participates to the first telephone installation
Yugoslav. In the 83 Edison of Paris works near the Thomas, always
emigrates the successive year in America to the dependencies of Edison.
He opens in own a laboratory of search in 1885, to New York. In 1887
polifasi to alternating current realizes the first synchronous motors,
patents many types of transformers to vhf. Then on the laboratories
they will come absorbed from the Westinghouse Company in 1897, same
Tesla of it becomes collaborator. In decade 1880-1890 it studies and it
plans systems for the production and distribution of the electric
power, is born centers thus it them hydroelectric to cascades of the
Niagara. All this job the procure American and European acknowledgments
from university. |
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